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  • Situation: Communications client just acquired a major phone company and was pressing hard to open a 300-person call center in North Carolina. Their furniture supplier – the world’s largest manufacturer of office furniture – told them (their largest client) they would be unable to supply this call center on schedule, and that they’d have to change their plans.

    Solution:  While conducting a coast-to-coast search, Restyle identified and negotiated the purchase of 300 workstations  being sold off by a bank in Delaware, of identical fabric, finish, and footprint to our client’s standard. We delivered in 3 weeks. Comment: When time counts, there is no quicker way to procure major manufacture furniture than with the Restyle MVP (Maximum Value Process). No tedious 8 to 12 week specification/order entry/manufacturing/shipment cycle. Our process is simple, quick, and embedded with checks and double checks to assure quality and avoid surprises. 

  • Situation: Our client, a high-tech manufacturer, lost its manufacturing plant in an explosion and had to open – on a tight budget and extreme schedule – new offices in their new plant. These included mid and upper level management offices, an elegant boardroom, dozens of workstations, training room, and cafĂ©. A major furniture manufacturer had proposed a disappointing $250K budget and 10-week shipping cycle to meet the company’s needs.

    Solution:  Restyle provided multiple choices from major manufacturers, each coordinated to meet project requirements.  The client chose matching cherry veneer executive suites and wood trimmed workstations from a closed accounting facility in  Atlanta, a stunning board room and café from a high tech facility in Philadelphia, mahogany executive suites from our stock,  and new training tables that matched other cherry product. We did it all in less than a month, and at $125,000, delivered and installed. Comment: One of our unique abilities is to search out and pull together, in a coordinated, attractive fashion, product that is ideal for our clients’ purposes. Restyle is a portal through which our clients access a continent of opportunities, all at less than half the cost of new. 

  • Situation: A high technology firm with 10 years of continuous growth in the defense industry, with multiple locations in multiple states, needed to project a certain business sophistication without appearing overstated.

    Solution: Restyle has designed, searched, procured, installed and maintained 6 major installations of coordinated,  complementary systems furniture, executive suites, and board-level conference rooms including multiple granite, maple,  cherry, and mahogany conference rooms used for major client presentations.

Our clients want to look great, but are also saying to their staff, stockholders, and clients – that they’re   careful with their money.

  • Situation: Rapidly expanding intelligence information division of aerospace company had to open two facilities of 52 and 86 people in a matter of weeks to support newly acquired contracts. Both contracts dictated tight budgets and extreme speed.

    Solution: Restyle designed, searched, presented, and installed two different inventories – one from New Jersey, and  another from Colorado. Each project was completed in less than a month. Comment:  Restyle commonly out-performs “national buying contracts” from major manufacturers in both value and  speed. Our clients are able to maintain consistency in their facilities, continuing to select Knoll, Steelcase, and other superb  product lines, and achieve vastly deeper discounts and far faster deliveries. 

  • Situation: Client had severely aging furniture that could no longer be duplicated nor remanufactured and was seeking a better solution to their expansion needs than purchasing new from an inflexible, unresponsive new furniture dealer.

    Solution: Restyle took their standard workstation configuration, translated it into currently manufactured product specifications, searched, presented, and delivered 140 workstations from which the client could draw  for their continuing needs.  Pricing was less than half the cost of new, 30% less than remanufactured, and repeatable as a standard.

Restyle delivers extraordinary alternatives to traditional  furniture solutions. Budget-stretching, flexible, virtually instant delivery  choices accomplish project objectives in ways new and remanufactured solutions can’t. Boxed in by your usual commercial furniture sources?  Break out with Restyle.

  • Situation: Client was consolidating their multiple locations in Atlanta into one new building. The project designer determined that none of the expansive inventory of existing furniture would be appropriate for their new space.

    Solution: Utilizing our unique ValueMax buy-back process, Restyle inventoried, cataloged, photographed and researched each furnishing. After presenting a substantial purchase and extraction plan, Restyle removed 14 tractor-trailer loads of furniture from company facilities, redistributing them to Restyle locations in the mid-Atlantic. Ultimately the furniture was resold to smart corporate buyers throughout the U.S.  

Restyle has the expertise, organizational skills, professional demeanor, financial strength, and savvy to  perform significant purchases, relocations and reconfigurations throughout North America.