What underlying business values are exemplified in Restyle’s products and services?

Commercial Office Furniture | Maryland | New Jersey | Delaware | New York

I’ve been in business for myself since 1970, and in that time I’ve seen periods of war and peace, boom times and recession, oil embargos, 18% prime interest, overly generous and overly restrictive credit policies, dot com boom and bust, the S&L debacle , the housing bubble, 9.11.01, Carter stagflation, assassination attempts, and a whole lot of promises from Washington.  What have I concluded that are sustaining business values over the long haul?

  • Grow profitably.  A company has to grow to survive; growth is almost always best financed from profits, not borrowing
    Keep your breakeven low, and avoid fixed overhead.  A low breakeven and flexible overheads give you huge advantages in the inevitable market fluctuations
  • Buy and Sell value; first class/superb quality at the world’s best price point pays off handsomely whether you’re the seller or the buyer
  • Put your capital where it gives you a competitive advantage; ego, prestige, and flashy are not advantages.  Marketing, technology, and people usually are.
  • Commitment to your staff and your clients.  Taking superb care of those inside and outside of your company is what it’s all about.
  • Show up on time; do what you promise; Finish on time what you start; Say please and thank you.  These four things make you referable, and referrals are the core of your growth.

So is it now obvious why we’re so passionate about what we do?  Restyle Redistributed furniture is the very essence of thrift, responsibility, value, and wise use of capital.  Restyle’s Maximum Value Process is the very essence of client care and accountable performance.  We’re here to help every organization capture these values in their office environments – 23 years and counting.